Articles Articles

The Tempest – Shakespeare and Johnson

The Tempest saw a strict collaboration between Shakespeare and musician Robert Johnson which gave birth to something unique, getting very close to Opera

432Hz – Traditional vs natural tuning

432Hz tuning has been abandoned some 60 years ago. But why has 440Hz been favored?

Henri Dutilleux

The proptotype of the anti-avant-garde, Dutilleux draws from the French tradition of Debussy and Ravel to build his personal language

ARTax – music rEvolution

After almost 3 years, ARTax, a new company based in The Hague, NL, has finally become a reality

I hate Boulez. Long live Boulez.

I hate Boulez. Long live Boulez.

I don’t really hate Boulez. But I don’t like his music. But I do like what he tried to do. And I want more of it.

The Tempest – Shakespeare and Johnson

The Tempest – Shakespeare and Johnson

The Tempest saw a strict collaboration between Shakespeare and musician Robert Johnson which gave birth to something unique, getting very close to Opera

Baudelaire’s goats

Baudelaire’s goats

ecently I really had no time to compose much unfortunately, being busy with an arrangement of Der...

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Does size matter?

Does size matter?

Who says opera should only be staged and performed by big opera houses? When it comes to small opera companies there...

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Creative dissonance

Creative dissonance

When it comes to creativity, some emotions are better than others. Or are they? The amount of research and studies on...

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Drowning culture

Drowning culture

It’s official: on august 6, while some people were on vacation and others preferred not to be bothered, the Italian...

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Conducting Pills

A FREE video series with an analysis of structure, phrasing, and, of course, conducting tips of repertoire works: from Mozart to Brahms, from Beethoven to Debussy. A new episode every week!