Score analysis

Table of contents

Beethoven – Symphony n.1

Beethoven – Symphony n.1

A dominant seventh chord that made history: this is how Beethoven’s first symphony begins.

Weber – Euryanthe Overture

Weber – Euryanthe Overture

With the opera Euryanthe, Weber, a contemporary of Beethoven, aimed at the close union of arts already advocated by Hoffmann. A concept largely inherited by Wagner.

Franz Liszt: Dante Symphony – Part 1

Franz Liszt: Dante Symphony – Part 1

A mesmerizing descend into hell: Dante’s Divine Comedy turned into a symphonic poem by the imagination of Franz Liszt

Beethoven Symphony n.7, Mov. 1 [analysis]
Beethoven Symphony n.7, Mov. 1 [analysis]

How does a piece of music without any description manage to raise more descriptive explanations than any other work, ranging from catacombs to political revolution? What’s the glue holding the entire symphony together? And what’s one of the biggest issues that arise when interpreting this piece?

Conducting Pills

A FREE video series with an analysis of structure, phrasing, and, of course, conducting tips of repertoire works: from Mozart to Brahms, from Beethoven to Debussy. A new episode every week!