Bruckner – Symphony n.8, Mov. 4

Bruckner – Symphony n.8, Mov. 4

h Table of contents $ Introduction $ Finale: Feierlich, nicht schnell $ Download eBook $ Conclusion Subscribe on YouTube Introduction The triumphant Finale of Bruckner 8th – the last symphony that the composer completed – is a marvel of compositional...
10 Black Conductors Who Changed Music History

10 Black Conductors Who Changed Music History

Orchestras as a whole are still, largely, whitewashed. As a classical musician myself, this has always baffled me. So many innovative pieces of music and different genres stem from black culture including; Rock, Jazz, Reggae, Blues, Folk, Bluegrass, and more....
Haydn – Symphony n.44

Haydn – Symphony n.44

h Table of contents $ Introduction $ Allegro con brio $ Download eBook $ Conclusion Subscribe on YouTube Introduction Haydn’s symphony 44 is known as Trauer (Mourning). An apocryphal story relates that Haydn asked for the slow movement of this symphony to be...
Mussorgsky: Pictures at an exhibition

Mussorgsky: Pictures at an exhibition

h Table of contents $ Introduction $ Promenade $ Download eBook $ Conclusion Subscribe on YouTube Introduction If there is one thing that people of all eras, origins, nationalities, times share is the desire to remember those who left a mark in our lives. Friends,...
Liszt – Faust Symphony

Liszt – Faust Symphony

h Table of contents $ Introduction $ Movement 1: Faust $ Download eBook $ Conclusion Subscribe on YouTube Introduction Franz Listz’s interest in Goethe’s Faust was prompted by an illustrious mediation, that of Hector Berlioz, who dedicated his Damnation de...