![Johannes Brahms – Symphony n.4 mov.1 [analysis]](https://gianmariagriglio.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Johannes-Brahms.jpg)
Johannes Brahms – Symphony n.4 mov.1 [analysis]
h Table of contents $ Introduction $ Exposition $ Development $ Recapitulation and coda $ Conclusion Subscribe on YouTube Introduction It took Brahms more than 20 years to write his first symphony. The second premiered 1 year after the first; the third came six years...![Schumann Symphony n.1 “Spring” – 1st mov. [analysis]](https://gianmariagriglio.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Robert-Schumann-Symphony-1-movement-1-analysis.jpg)
Schumann Symphony n.1 “Spring” – 1st mov. [analysis]
h Table of contents $ Introduction $ Exposition: Andante $ Exposition: Allegro $ Development $ Recapitulation and coda $ Conclusion Subscribe on YouTube Introduction Schumann began writing the first ideas for his first Symphony in January 1841, precisely from 23 to...![Rachmaninov – Piano concerto n.2 mov. 1 [analysis]](https://gianmariagriglio.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Conducting-Rachmaninov-piano-concerto-2-movement-1-analysis-1080x675.jpg)
Rachmaninov – Piano concerto n.2 mov. 1 [analysis]
h Table of contents $ Introduction $ Exposition: first theme $ Exposition: Second theme $ Development $ Recapitulation $ Conclusion Subscribe on YouTube Introduction One of the most iconic pieces of classical music, Rachmaninov’s second piano concerto was first...![Conducting Haydn Symphony n.104 “London” [analysis]](https://gianmariagriglio.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Conducting-Joseph-Haydn-Symphony-104.jpg)