Liszt – Faust Symphony

Liszt – Faust Symphony

h Table of contents $ Introduction $ Movement 1: Faust $ Download eBook $ Conclusion Subscribe on YouTube Introduction Franz Listz’s interest in Goethe’s Faust was prompted by an illustrious mediation, that of Hector Berlioz, who dedicated his Damnation de...
Mozart – Symphony n.36 “Linz”

Mozart – Symphony n.36 “Linz”

h Table of contents $ Introduction $ Adagio - Allegro spiritoso $ Poco adagio $ Menuetto $ Presto $ Conclusion Subscribe on YouTube Introduction The symphony n.36 was written by Mozart in only 4 days during a stopover in the Austrian town of Linz. Mozart and his were...
Brahms – Symphony n.1 Movement 4

Brahms – Symphony n.1 Movement 4

h Table of contents $ Introduction $ Adagio $ Piu' andante $ Allegro non troppo, ma con brio $ Conclusion Subscribe on YouTube Introduction Brahms himself declared that his first symphony, from sketches to finishing touches, took 21 years, from 1855 to 1876. Brahms...